Welcome Message

Greetings from Singapore! Welcome to Wang Lei's philatelic world!

If you would like to exchange covers/FDCs/postcards/maxicards/stamps with me, please drop me an email

My special collection theme for Year 2012 onwards:
Manchukuo, Malaya Japanese Occupation, Ancient Legend/Myth/Stories or children's Fairy Tales.

Blog Archive

Thursday, November 25, 2010

My 19th Wedding Postcard - received on 2010/11/22 from USA

Thanks to my friends Rao Feng and Wendy Wu Yuan for sending us the beautiful postcard from San Diego, USA. They are working in USA now and Rao Feng went to San Diego for a conference. My fiancee and I are quite happy to receive this wedding postcard as they are the persons who introduce us to each other. :-) It is a pity that Rao and Wendy cannot attend our wedding ceremony in this December. Anyway, great thanks to them!

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